Done Right. On Time. On budget.

Responsible Bidding on Public Projects

  • Changes in state and local laws over the last several years have resulted in a race to the bottom. The elimination of Prevailing Wage Law and the implementation of “lowest responsible bidder” laws tie the hands of officials on bids for public projects by preventing them choosing even the most responsible, safe, and efficient contractor if that contractor is underbid.  That means even unsafe contractors with poorly trained employees who rarely finish jobs on time or on budget can easily win taxpayer-funded work despite their track records. Working For Wisconsin supports local and state policies that require contractors that are awarded public works projects to pay their taxes, have a track record of safety, provide on the job training through apprenticeship, and drug test employees to ensure safety and efficiency on the job.

Worker Misclassification

  • Unscrupulous contractors all too often will intentionally misclassify employees to pay lower than market wages or to avoid payroll taxes.  By falsely classifying workers as independent contractors, crooked employers avoid Wisconsin taxes, pay lower wages, and get a leg up on law abiding, responsible, businesses.  Working For Wisconsin supports policies that ensure that all contractors play by the rules.

Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s)

  • If PLA’s work for private businesses, they should work for government too. When certain Wisconsin lawmakers say “government should be run more like a business,” they should mean it. PLA’s are used regularly and effectively by the private sector because they WORK – they help get the job done right, on time and on budget. If companies like Gillette, Reebok, and Disney recognize their value on big projects, Wisconsin should too.

Prevailing Wage

  • Prevailing wage rates guarantee that contractors in the marketplace compete based on skill and productivity – not on how little they pay their workforce.
  • Read More About Prevailing Wage Here


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